How to Prevent Weight Gain During Festive Celebrations and Still Enjoy the Season 

November 29, 2023


The approach to the New Year often involves a frenzy of detoxes and resolutions, fueled by the aftermath of festive indulgences. The holiday season brings forth an array of temptations—decadent foods, alcoholic drinks, late nights, and social gatherings—which frequently result in unwanted weight gain, requiring months to shed.


However, what if we proactively approached the festive season armed with resolutions ahead of time, shifting our focus from rectifying damage in January to preventing it altogether?



Here are strategies to navigate the festive period while maintaining balance and joy:

1. Pre-Festive Reset:

Prioritize a pre-festive reset to bolster yourself against the potential impacts of alcohol, overeating, and late nights. Strengthening your mindset and physical health beforehand can help mitigate post-celebration consequences.

2. Prioritize Nutritional Choices:

Adopt a philosophy that emphasizes adding more nutritional value rather than fixating on restricting 'bad' foods. Focus on a dietary hierarchy: vegetables as the primary element, followed by protein and essential fats.


3. Start with Protein Breakfasts:

Kickstart your day with a protein-rich breakfast to trigger satiety, reduce cravings, and prevent overeating throughout the day. This stimulates hormones that suppress appetite, aiding in better meal management.

4. Meal Timing and Content:

Initiate meals with a small serving of protein to modulate insulin response, the hormone associated with fat storage. Eating within a 60-minute window, finishing dinner three hours before bedtime, and swapping starchy carbs for non-starchy vegetables can optimize fat burning and hormonal balance during sleep.

5. Mindful Eating Practices:

Engage in mindful eating habits to savor and relish your food while managing weight effectively:


  • Prepare & Calm Down: Set distractions aside, focus solely on eating, and shift into a calm state before meals.
  • Eat Slowly: Allow time for your brain to signal fullness by slowing down meal consumption, pausing between bites, and aiming for at least 20 minutes per meal.
  • Chew Thoroughly: Properly chewing food kickstarts digestion and aids in nutrient absorption, while also allowing the brain time to recognize satiety cues.
  • Limit Liquids: Avoid excessive liquid intake during meals, as it can dilute stomach acids. Opt for small sips or consume fluids 30 minutes before or after meals.

6. Supplements for Hangover Prevention:

Support your body's alcohol detoxification process with supplements such as NAC, milk thistle, magnesium, B vitamins, artichoke, and dandelion. Starting a supplement regimen before the festive season and continuing through January can help minimize the effects of hangovers.

Embrace this festive season by implementing these strategies and strike a balance between enjoyment and mindful choices. For more expert guidance on nutrition and wellness, connect with Olga Hamilton, a Registered Nutritional Therapist and TEDx Speaker.

Contact Information:

Olga Hamilton
Registered Nutritional Therapist / TEDx Speaker
M: +44 78 401 72535
Instagram: @OHNutrition

TEDx Talk: [Fast Way to Happy] (

By implementing these proactive measures, you can celebrate the festive season with joy while prioritizing your health and well-being.

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